Friday, February 17, 2012

My New Washboard ABS!!

I know what you're already thinking. OMG Jim, looks a LOT like Hugh Jackman…….. 

Frankly I think that goes without saying…

But what I'd like you to focus on here are the abs (and not what I am about to confess) You see the training with the TSK's is going great guns. At least it was. I climbed several "mountains" aka Long Reef golf course in the past few days but due to work commitments the training has taken a little bit of a backseat. 

The good thing is my new shorts work really well. They were all a part of the new clothing package that Julie and Alena splashed out on for my birthday. They are shorts, no pants, no shorts, no pants again….. They have a zip at the thigh so I can adjust them - and funnily enough they appear to have a duel purpose, hiking shorts one minute, appropriate attire for underneath my motorcycle gear the next!!! 

One other piece of great news is that I have been carb loading. I've heard that's great for you when you're training…… I'm not sure if chips and eating out each night (for work purposes of course) is what is meant by "carb loading", but hell, I'm giving it my all. 

So my abs and I are now thrilled to be pumped up and ready to tackle the weekend ahead. Only issue is that after a long arduous trek in the wilds of Collaroy I am ready for a nap by 2pm. I'm sure that's simply due to the long work hours and has nothing whatsoever to do with my fitness levels. 

I'm hoping that despite my likeness to Hugh, I don't get mobbed. I think I'll be OK.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Days 2 and 3 The Quest for the Body Beautiful

Days 2 & 3

It occurred to me early on Saturday morning that perhaps as the time is looming closer, that I should be starting to get serious about my training. Up until now, my 'training' has consisted of walking Hugo and Xanthe my trusty side kicks (TSK's ) around the streets and possibly to the park in the mornings. Don't get me wrong, the TSK's love their morning walk - as do I, because (a) no one else in my family will do it, and (b) I get to listen to all my nerdy pod casts that trust me NO ONE wants to listen to in the rest of the house.

So, I came up with a plan…… It was genius. I devised a pure "Jim Hungerford" method of training…I got the backpack out (it now stinks so no one will be using that one again…), filled it full of weights - now let me explain "weights" I had to improvise here. Similar to MacGiver I searched the house for suitable "weights", fearing Julie would kill me if I stole out anything of substance, I resorted to …… yes filled hot water bottles…… OMG Im a genius. Then I found some old leg and arm weights that Julie had bought me in an earlier lifetime (funnily enough to avoid the whole "hot water bottle scenario" ) and I think I had a decent 10kg in total. How do I know this? because I guestimated - I'm as good as positive - of course it could have been 20kg, it felt like 50kg by the time I returned. Its a bit like catching fish - it just gets bigger.

Anyway, I got off track there for a second (must remember not to do that when I'm actually on the trail), so I set off with the TSK's and we walked for about 3kms…. Please restrain yourself from gasping. After taking the TSK's home I continued on my own with my MacGiver backpack and headed out again into the wilds of Collaroy. Only issue? it pissed down. So there I was, in my new trekking boots, my new shorts and my nerdy pod cast happily blaring away and I looked like a drowned rat. I fear this is a taste of things to come.

To be continued…….

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dodging Llama spit ...

And not just with this!

In June as well as dodging llama spit, quite possibly floods and wondering if I should have laid off the chips a little bit more.

Yes its day one of my training! as you all may know by now I'm preparing to climb the Inca trail in Machu Picchu in June.

At first I thought I would just rock up there and walk it. When Julie couldn't stop laughing at me, I started to re think that plan and figured that perhaps my training should begin around now. So bear with me as I document the trials and tribulations of my "training" with you all. Because I seriously don't want to be the one left at the end of the pack everyday……..